Contact Lens Information

Contact lenses are a medical device that sit on your cornea. Improper fitting, use or care can cause corneal ulcers, abrasions, irritation and damage to the tissues of your eye.

North Hill Eye Clinic accepts and direct bills most extended medical insurance plans. If you would like to order contacts please call 403-216-1221 or email your valid contact lens prescription to us at We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Below are some tips and tricks for safe contact lens use

1. Have your contacts assessed annually by your Optometrist:

Contacts are a medical device that sits on your eye and they should be assessed annually by your optometrist for fit, comfort vision and safety.

2. Insertion and removal is key to healthy use of contacts:

Improper use, care, handling, and insertion/removal can lead to serious issues and possible loss of vision. We offer insertion and removal training to first time wearers and a refresher course for long term wearers as techniques and care guides have changed over the years.

3. Do not let your contacts come in contact with water:

Swimming, showering, pools or hot tubs contain multiple chemicals, bacteria and parasites that can cause infections, irritation, ulcers and vision loss. The various chemicals in the water can also ruin the lenses shortening their use and increasing your health risks.

During your training session you will get additional tips and instructions on how to clean and store your bi-weekly or monthly lenses. If you have any questions about care of your contacts please feel free to contact us.

4. Do not over wear your lenses:

Contacts are designed with specific wear guides in mind. You will save money in the short term by over wearing them but it can cause infections, corneal ulcers, eye conditions or even blindness.

5. Contact lens training

Contact lens training appointments take about one hour. Our training appointment includes insertions/removal, care, handling, wear schedule and tips and tricks. We will also go over what to look for incase of issues and what to do if you think something is wrong. You will be provided with trails that our Optometrist has chosen based on your prescription, needs and eye measurements. Our starter kit includes a take home information packet that covers everything we went over during training, trial sized solution/case, your lenses, wearing guide and your follow up contact lens check.